With the new year just around the corner, TBKS are looking towards the future of interior design and home renovations.
In this blog, we'll show you how to integrate our vast selection of interior door and window furniture into the most exciting upcoming trends that we predict will take 2022 by storm...
Working From Home Reinventions
Our brand of choice: Croft
Due to the ongoing conditions created by the global pandemic, the number of homeworkers doubled in 2020. For many of us in 2021 and going into 2022, working from home, remote meetings and makeshift office spaces will stay as a permanent part of our reality. This has directly reflected back into the way our living spaces look, with home and work now existing together in a sort of interior style symbiosis.
The requirements have therefore become more complex, with relaxation and productivity sharing the same space. With all this in mind, you might think that re-imagining your interiors will be a minefield of design mistakes; but, if you're stuck for ideas, the through-line is functionality.
Consider something like the Croft Codsall Lever Door Handle or the Croft Spoon End Window Espagnolette Handle. Both of these wonderful pieces perfectly blend the simplicity and practicality required for an office with a slight touch of classic elegance that isn't too incongruous with with the rest of your home.
Going Back To Nature
Our brands of choice: Finesse and From The Anvil
Continuing the working from home theme - 2022 is likely to see more nature and garden inspired designs crawling into our homes. The last couple of years has seen many of us living life indoors, and therefore if we can't be outside it makes sense to stylistically bring those wonderful blossoming patterns and flourishing designs right into our home.
The perfect way to do this is with the Finesse Swirl Knob On Thin Plate for a more modern-meets-natural look or the From the Anvil Flower Ball Mortice Knob Set for something slightly more ornate and classic.
Whether you have a garden or not, by blending nature and interior design you'll create an environment that is truly relaxing, harmonious and at one with the great outdoors.
New Minimalism
Our brand of choice: Atlantic
Minimalism in design is nothing we haven't seen before, however the concept may be taken even further in 2022. This isn't a showroom version of immaculate and impractical minimalism but a stripping away of clutter to the absolute essentials.
If the new decade has seen you sell, remove or throw away unwanted items from your home, you may want to reflect this in a more paired down interior design aesthetic.
The Atlantic Forme Ginevra Lever on SQ Minimal Rose is a minimalist design but doesn't embrace the bland, featureless ideas of extreme minimalism that we have come to expect from this modern style. There's still detail but carefully integrated into a cleaner and sleeker overall design.
Rethinking Timeless Style
Our brands of choice: From The Anvil & Marcus
Trends can be temporary and ever-changing but classic styles lasts forever. This idea crosses over nicely with the increasing global awareness of green issues, sustainability and the impact of climate change. When you're redesigning your home for 2022, it's a great idea to think about how you could create a room that would be timeless - a space that would not only look fantastic now but also still be stylish in 10 years time. First, think about whether you actually need to redesign your home - are you redesigning it for a purpose or are you simply interested in short-term fads?
If you want to future-proof your home, simply look at designs that are still in use and have aged well throughout history such as the streamlined Art Deco lines of this Centre Door Knob by From The Anvil. Equally, the Marcus Victoria Rim Door Knob will offer the same everlasting design appeal, with its traditional round, smooth and premium quality exterior.
Soft Edge Spaces
Our brand of choice: Carlisle Brass
Serene, soft lines and relaxing architectural curvatures are predicted to crop up throughout 2022. Hard lines, sharp edges and harsher design characteristics are likely to dissolve away as interior spaces move towards a more inviting sweeping or curved look in the new year.
If you've been won over by the curve-themed interior design trend already, opt for Tres Multipoint Espagnolette Levers. Each door handle comes with an incredibly long-length sweeping handle in a high polish or a more muted satin finish.